Newly Qualified Drivers
What is a newly qualified driver.
A person driving within the first 2 years of passing their driving test.
Using a mobile phone when driving – what is new ?
The purpose of the law To ensure safety on the roads and to protect other road users. Looking at or using your mobile phone whilst driving is distracting and prevents you fully concentrating on the road ahead. The old law It was an offence to use your mobile phone for performing an interactive communication function. […]
Driving a Vehicle in a Dangerous Condition
Ask yourself these questions about your vehicle Is your vehicle a little tired or worn? Have you ever been persuaded to give a lift to all your friends when there is not enough room ? Have you checked your seat belts are working properly? If you are carrying a load do you ensure it is […]
Death by driving legislation
Over the past few years, there has been a lot of press coverage about the change in penalties for people that cause death by driving. We thought it would be useful to give some information about current legislation. Also, we wanted to clarify what the difference is between death caused by dangerous driving and death […]
Penalties for high level speeding offences
Current sentencing guidelines On April 24th 2017 there was a significant change to the penalties for people who drive at excessive speeds. There are three categories for speeding offences, and the table below shows what these are and the severity of the fine for each band. Speed limit (mph) Recorded speed (mph) 20 41 […]
Driving tests: should we be teaching more about motoring law?
It has probably been years since you took your driving test and the way in which the test is conducted now has changed significantly. Most people aren’t interested in what a driving test includes until their children are ready to start taking lessons. I am a firm believer in people who take their driving test […]
Too old to drive, who says?
Life expectancy has increased so both men and women are now expected to live to at least 80 years of age and many for longer. As some people get older, they remain fit and healthy, whereas many others have health problems. If you have an older relative or friend who is still driving are they […]
Driving safely on a smart motorway
Driving on the motorway can be very frustrating especially during busy periods. The Highways Agency is responsible for maintaining and improving motorways, and one of their biggest challenges is trying to reduce congestion. The ideal scenario is to build motorways with more lanes but that is not always economically feasible and too many roadworks can […]
Exceptional Hardship
Exceptional Hardship Explained If you acquire 12 or more penalty points on your driving licence over a three-year period, you will face a disqualification from driving under the ‘totting up’ provisions for a minimum period of six months. Moore Motoring Law can help – call us today for FREE initial legal advice – 0115 7841 […]
Driverless Cars
The advent of driverless and automated cars will potentially bring many benefits by making driving easier, improving road safety, reducing emissions and easing congestion. The current legal and regulatory framework would need to reviewed and amended appropriately. There is no reason why testing cannot take place on UK roads in the near future. If the […]